Strawberry Mountain Style Guide Vol. 7

Welcome back to the Strawberry Mountain Style Guide! We first released this style guide via email in May 2023.

These style guides are designed to share some fresh ideas you can use with pieces from your wardrobe and with clothing you can find right here at the store!

What decade are we in again? So far in the 2020s, we’ve seen styles and inspiration pop up from multiple eras of the 20th century. It seems like everything is in. Gender norms, however, are old news.

Wear whatever you want — what makes it cool is making it you.

This month, we styled our friend Chris Kelly in some of our favorite new pieces in the shop.

Thanks a bunch for reading! This style guide is here to remind you that expressing yourself through fashion can be affordable and fun, without being fast and cheaply made. While we’re sharing different ways you can wear pieces from your closet and our shop, we hope to inspire you to do what you do best and make it YOU!

We’d love for you to show us what inspires you! Tag us on Instagram @strawberry.mountain.bst and show us what you got!

Until next time,
“Be excellent to each other”


An Interview with Ephemeral Concrete


Strawberry Mountain Style Guide Vol. 6